Analisis Plot dalam Novel Lord of The Flies Karya William Golding
Thursday, June 14, 2018
plot dalam novel Lord of the Flies
karya William Golding
Usti Maula
Dalam novel Lord of the Flies terdapat
beberapa unsur plpakaot. Plot merun rangkaian cerita yang dibentuk oleh
tahapan-tahapan peristiwa yang dimulai dari exposition
sampai denoument, saling berkaitan dengan
tujuan untuk menunjukan suatu maksud jalan cerita yang ada. Dikutip dari menjelaskan bahwa alur merupakan sebuah struktur rangkaian
kejadian-kejadian dalam sebuah cerita yang disusun dengan secara kronologis.
Alur mengatur bagaimana suatu tindakan-tindakan yang terdapat dalam cerita
harus berkaitan dengan satu sama lain, misalnya seperti bagaimana suatu
peristiwa berkaitan dengan peristiwa lainnya, lalu bagaimana tokoh yang
digambarkan dan berperan di dalam cerita yang semuanya terkait dengan suatu
kesatuan waktu.
plot :
1. Exposition
cerita diawali dengan exposition dimana exposition merupakan tahapan pengenalan
cerita, biasanya berupa pengenalan tokoh, dan pengenalan tempat dimana cerita
itu berlangsung.
The boy with fair hair
lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick
his way toward the lagoon. Though he had
taken off his school sweater and trailed it now from one hand, his grey shirt
stuck to him and his hair was plastered to his forehead. All round him the long
scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat. He was clambering heavily
among the creepers and broken trunks when a bird, a vision of red and yellow,
flashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was echoed by another.
pertama bab pertama narator membuka cerita dengan memperkenalkan satu orang
tokoh laki-laki mengenakan jas sekolah yang berada di suatu hutan rimba,
tergambar oleh benda-benda yang ada di tempat itu seperti bebatuan, tanaman,
dan burung-burung yang berkicauan. Pengenalan tempat diperjelas di halaman
"This is an island.
At least I think it's an island. That's a reef out in the sea. Perhaps
there aren't any grownups
The fat boy looked
"There was that
pilot. But he wasn't in the passenger cabin, he was up in front."
The fair boy was peering
at the reef through screwed-up eyes.
"All them other
kids," the fat boy went on. "Some of them must have got out. They
must have, mustn't
The fair boy began to
pick his way as casually as possible toward the water. He tried to be offhand
and not too obviously uninterested, but the fat boy hurried after him.
"Aren't there any
grownups at all?"
"I don't think
The fair boy said this
solemnly; but then the delight of a realized ambition overcame
him. In the middle of the
scar he stood on his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy.
"No grownups!"
The fat boy thought for a
"That pilot."
The fair boy allowed his
feet to come down and sat on the steamy earth.
"He must have flown
off after he dropped us. He couldn't land here. Not in a place
with wheels."
"We was attacked!"
"He'll be back all
kutipan ini menjadi jelas tentang keberlangsungan cerita tersebut bahwa tokoh
berada di sebuah pulau, begitulah anggapan tokoh. Mengapa mereka berada di
tempat tersebut? Kutipan tersebut membicaran tentang pesawat, pilot, kabin,
anak-anak, pendaratan, jadi sangat jelas bahwa mereka itu berada di suatu
tempat yang asing dikarenakan mereka kecelalakaan pesawat dan terdampar di
tempat itu. Narator juga menjelaskan bagaimana keadaan tempat tersebut, seperti
dalam kutipan berikut.
The shore was fledged
with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the
light and their green feathers were a
hundred feet up in the air. The ground beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn
everywhere by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts
and palm saplings. Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar. Ralph stood,
one hand against a grey trunk, and screwed up his eyes against the shimmering water. Out there, perhaps a mile away, the
white surf flinked on a coral reef,
and beyond that the open sea was dark blue. Within the irregular arc of coral
the lagoon was still as a mountain
lake--blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple. The beach between the palm terrace and the water
was a thin stick, endless apparently, for to Ralph's left the perspectives of palm and beach and water drew to a
point at infinity; and always, almost
visible, was the heat.
ini berlatarkan di alam terbuka, terlihat disana terdapat pantai yang mempunyai
ombak besar juga dikelilingi pohon kelapa, tanah yang ditumbuhi rerumputan, dan
dibelakangnya ada hutan juga pegunungan. Tampak asri tempat tersebut, seperti
tanda bahwa pulau itu tidak berpenghuni. Setelah menjelaskan tentang bagaimana
latar tempat, Sampai kutipan ini narator belum memperkenalkan tiap tokoh-tokoh
dan akan dijelasakan pada kutipan selanjutnya.
Some were naked and
carrying their clothes; others half-naked, or more or less dressed, in school
uniforms, grey, blue, fawn, jacketed, or jerseyed. There were
badges, mottoes even, stripes of color in
stockings and pullovers. Their heads clustered above the trunks in the green
shade; heads brown, fair, black, chestnut, sandy, mouse-colored; heads muttering,
whispering, heads full of eyes that watched Ralph and speculated. Something was
being done.
(hal. 19)
kutipan diatas kita menjadi tahu bahwa tokoh dalam cerita ini adalah sekumpulan
anak laki-laki yang mengenakan baju seragam dengan warna yang berbeda dan warna
rambut yang berbeda juga. Ini menyiratkan bahwa mereka adalah anak atau remaja
yang berasal dari sekolah yang berbeda dan belum mengenal satu sama lain.
"Then we'll have to
look after ourselves."
Secure on the other side
of Ralph, Piggy spoke timidly.
"That's why Ralph
made a meeting. So as we can decide what to do. We've heard
names. That's Johnny.
Those two--they're twins, Sam 'n Eric. Which is Eric--? You? No--
you're Sam--"
"I'm Sam--"
"'n I'm Eric."
"We'd better all
have names," said Ralph, "so I'm Ralph."
"We got most
names," said Piggy. "Got 'em just now."
kutipan ini narator memperkenalkan nama dari mereka seperti Ralph, Piggy,
Johny, Sam, Eric. Satu sama lain saling memperkenalkan diri, ya tentu saja
karena sebelumnya mereka tidak saling mengenal. Dari beberapa kutipan diatas
sudah mewakili dari pengenalan akan cerita ini, mulai dari pengenalan tokoh dan
latar tempat secara umum.
2. Turning
point yaitu bagian dimana cerita mengalami perbelokan.
Jack spoke.
"We've got to decide
about being rescued."
There was a buzz. One of
the small boys, Henry, said that he wanted to go home.
"Shut up," said
Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. "Seems to me we ought to have a
chief to decide
"A chief! A
"I ought to be
chief," said Jack with simple arrogance, "because I'm chapter
and head boy. I can sing
C sharp."
Another buzz.
semua anak laki-laki berkumpul dan berkenalan mereka saling bercanda dan
menikmati pertemanan baru mereka seolah mereka lupa sejenak akan permasalahan
yang mereka alami tentang terdamparnya mereka di pulau tidak berpenghuni ini. tak
lama kemudian Henry mengeluh bahwa ia ingin pulang. Ralph tersadarkan bahwa
mereka tidak bisa diam dan bersenang-senang saja mereka harus melakukan sesuatu
untuk bisa terselamatkan dari tempat itu. Namun mereka bingung apa yang harus
mereka lakukan agar bisa diselamatkan. Ralph mengusulkan pengangkatan seorang
pemimpin diantara mereka supaya ada yang mengatur rencana misi penyelamatan.
Jack menawarkan diri menjadi pemimpin seolah ia ingin menguasai.
"We're on an island.
We've been on the mountain top and seen water all round. We
saw no houses, no smoke, no
footprints, no boats, no people. We're on an uninhabited island with no other
people on it."
Jack broke in.
"All the same you
need an army--for hunting. Hunting pigs--"
"Yes. There are pigs
on the island."
All three of them tried
to convey the sense of the pink live thing struggling in the
"We saw--"
"It broke
"Before I could kill
it--but--next time!"
Jack slammed his knife
into a trunk and looked round challengingly.
dari terdampar di pulau, kini mereka mencoba untuk menjelajahi pulau dan
mencari tahu tentang bagaimana keadaan pulau yang mereka huni. Harus menerima
kenyataan bahwa disana tidak ada rumah, asap, jejak kaki, kapal, atau orang.
Disaat seperti itu Jack malah memikirkan untuk berburu babi karena saat
penjelajahan dia melihat hewan itu.
3. Rising
cerita dimana tokoh melakukan tindakan akibat adanya perbelokan cerita yang
berujung pada suatu keputusan yang harus dilakukan.
"There's another
thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they may
not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire." "A fire! Make a fire!"
berpikir cara untuk diselamatkan, dan terpikirlah untuk membuat suatu sinyal
yaitu yaitu membuat asap yang membumbung di atas gunung dengan tujuan
keberadaan mereka terdeteksi oleh orang luar.
"Piggy! Have you got
any matches?"
The other boys took up
the cry till the mountain rang. Piggy shook his head and cam to the pile.
"My! You've made a
big heap, haven't you?"
Jack pointed suddenly.
"His specs--use them
as burning glasses!"
Piggy was surrounded
before he could back away.
"Here--let me
go!" His voice rose to a shriek of terror as Jack snatched the glasses off
his face. "Mind out!
Give 'em back! I can hardly see! You'll break the conch!"
Ralph elbowed him to ne
side and knelt by the pile.
"Stand out of the
There was pushing and
pulling and officious cries. Ralph moved the lenses back and forth, this way
and that, till a glossy white image of the declining sun lay on a piece of
rotten wood. Almost at once a thin trickle of smoke rose up and made him cough.
Jack knelt too and blew gently, so that the smoke drifted away, thickening, and
a tiny flame appeared. The flame, nearly invisible at first in that bright
sunlight, enveloped a small twig, grew, was enriched with color and reached up to a branch which
exploded with a sharp crack. The flame flapped higher and the boys broke into a
"My specs!"
howled Piggy. "Give me my specs!"
Ralph stood away from the
pile and put the glasses into Piggy's groping hands. His voice subsided to a
mereka berada di puncak gunung dan mengumpulkan tumpukan ranting untuk siap
dibakar namun mereka yang terdampar tentu saja mereka tidak mempunyai korek
untuk menyalakan api. Kemudian Jack memberi ide membuat api dengan bantuan
kacamata Piggy dimana Piggy adalah satu-satunya anak yang berkacamata. Piggy
kesal Jack mengambil kacamata Piggy karena tanpa kacamata ia tidak bisa
melihat. Ralph memfokuskan sinar
matahari pada lensa kacamata Piggy. Kemudian asap tipis muncul dan terbentuklah
percikan api, kemudian membakar tumpukan ranting. Api menjadi hal yang penting
bagi mereka karena dengan api yang menghasilkan asap kemudian asap itu menjadi
sinyal akan keberadaan mereka dan berharap ada orang atau kapal yang bisa
membaca sinyal mereka.
4. Crisis
Roger took the conch and
looked round at them gloomily.
"I've been watching
the sea. There hasn't been the trace of a ship. Perhaps we'll never
be rescued."
A murmur rose and swept
away. Ralph took back the conch.
"I said before we'll
be rescued sometime. We've just got to wait, that's all."
mulai mengeluhkan keadaan sinyal asap yang mereka buat seolah sia-sia. Tidak
ada satupun kapal yang melintas dan berpikir kalau mereka tidak akan
terselamatkan. Namun dengan optimis mengatakan bahwa mereka pasti akan
terselamatkan, hanya saja mereka harus menunggu. Sebelumnya, Ralph sang
pemimpin sudah mengintruksikan untuk saling bergantian menjaga asap dan
mengamati jika ada kapal melintas, seperti dalam kutipan berikut Ralph membuat
Piggy wilted. Ralph took
the conch from him and looked round the circle of boys. "We've got to have
special people for looking after the fire. Any day there may be a ship out
there"--he waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon--"and if we
have a signal going they'll come and take us off. And another thing. We ought
to have more rules. Where the conch is, that's a meeting. The same up here as
down there."
They assented. Piggy
opened his mouth to speak, caught Jack's eye and shut it again.
Jack held out his hands
for the conch and stood up, holding the delicate thing carefully in his sooty
"I agree with Ralph.
We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're
English, and the English are best at everything. So we've got to do the right things."
seorang pemimpin Ralph mempunyai peraturan yang tegas. Mereka adalah laki-laki
terpelajar sehingga mereka menyetujui untuk membentuk aturan-aturan. Seperti,
setiap anak harus bergantian untuk menjaga asap dan api tetap menyala sebagi
sinyal. Meskipun kenyataannya sebagian dari mereka pesimis kalau mereka akan
5. Conflict
konflik dengan antar tokohnya.
Ralph explained.
"Been working for
days now. And look!"
Two shelters were in
position, but shaky. This one was a ruin.
"And they keep
running off. You remember the meeting? How everyone was going to work hard
until the shelters were finished?"
"Except me and my
"Except the hunters.
Well, the littluns are--"
He gesticulated, sought
for a word.
"They're hopeless.
The older ones aren't much better. D'you see? All day I've been
working with Simon. No
one else. They're off bathing, or eating, or playing."
Simon poked his head out
"You're chief. You
tell 'em off."
Indignation took away
Ralph's control.
"I was talking about
smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is
pig, pig, pig!"
"But we want
"And I work all day
with nothing but Simon and you come back and don't even notice
the huts!"
"I was working
"But you like
it!" shouted Ralph. "You want to hunt! While I--"
semua aturan yang dibuat dan disepakati, namun tidak semudah itu dalam
menjalankannya, terlebih karena mereka adalah anak-anak yang satu sama lain
baru kenal sehingga sulit untuk menyatukan visi. Ada yang bekerja sepanjang
hari membuat gubuk untuk tempat mereka berteduh dan tidur, ada yang menjaga
asap tetep menyala dan mengamati sekelilingnya. Namun ada juga sekelompok anak
yang kerjaannya hanya berenang, bermain, dan makan saja. Selain itu juga disaat
Ralph fokus ke visi penyelamatan tapi Jack malah mementingkan untuk berburu
babi. Ralph geram dengan tingkah anak-anak sulit diatur sehingga menimbulkan
konflik antara Ralph dengan kelompok anak yang membangkang dari peraturan.
6. Complication
semakin meningkat menuju climax.
The smoke was a tight
little knot on the horizon and was uncoiling slowly. Beneath the
smoke was a dot that
might be a funnel. Ralph's face was pale as he spoke to himself.
"They'll see our
Piggy was looking in the
right direction now.
"It don't look
He turned round and
peered up at the mountain. Ralph continued to watch the ship, ravenously. Color
was coming back into his face. Simon stood by him, silent.
"I know I can't see
very much," said Piggy, "but have we got any smoke?"
Ralph moved impatiently,
still watching the ship.
"The smoke on the
specs!" shouted Ralph. "If the fire's all out, we'll need
He stopped shouting and
swayed on his feet. Piggy was only just visible, bumbling up
from the beach. Ralph
looked at the horizon, then up to the mountain. Was it better to fetch Piggy's
glasses, or would the ship have gone? Or if they climbed on, supposing the fire
was all out, and they had to watch Piggy crawling nearer and the ship sinking
under the horizon? Balanced on a high peak of need, agonized by indecision,
Ralph cried out: "Oh God, oh God!"
The fire was dead. They
saw that straight away; saw what they had really known down
on the beach when the
smoke of home had beckoned. The fire was out, smokeless and dead; the watchers
were gone. A pile of unused fuel lay ready. Ralph turned to the sea. The
horizon stretched, impersonal once more, barren of all but the faintest trace
of smoke. Ralph ran stumbling along the rocks, saved himself on the edge of the
pink cliff, and screamed at the ship.
"Come back! Come
He ran backwards and
forwards along the cliff, his face always to the sea, and his voice
rose insanely.
"Come back! Come
Simon and Maurice
arrived. Ralph looked at them with unwinking eyes. Simon turned
away, smearing the water
from his cheeks. Ralph reached inside himself for the worst word he knew.
"They let the bloody
fire go out."
itu datang disaat mereka berleha-leha. Ralph melihat satu titik dann ternyata
itu adalah kapal. Namun sayang asap yang sebagai sinyal itu padam karena tidak
ada yang menjaganya, karena sebagian anak bersama Jack sedang pergi berburu.
Ralph sangat geram melihat kenyataan tersebut. Ia berlari mengejar kapal itu
dan berteriak sekerang mungkin meminta kapal untuk kembali namun kapal telah
hilang berlalu. Dan setelah itu kawanan Jack pun pulang dari pemburuannya.
"There was
Jack, faced at once with
too many awful implications, ducked away from them. He laid
a hand on the pig and
drew his knife. Ralph brought his arm down, fist clenched, and his voice shook.
"There was a ship.
Out there. You said you'd keep the fire going and you let it out!" He
took a step toward Jack,
who turned and faced him.
"They might have
seen us. We might have gone home--"
This was too bitter for
Piggy, who forgot his timidity in the agony of his loss. He began
to cry out, shrilly:
"You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have
gone home--"
Ralph pushed Piggy to one
"I was chief, and
you were going to do what I said. You talk. But you can't even build
huts--then you go off
hunting and let out the fire--"
He turned away, silent
for a moment. Then his voice came again on a peak of feeling.
"There was a
One of the smaller
hunters began to wail. The dismal truth was filtering through to
everybody. Jack went very
red as he hacked and pulled at the pig.
"The job was too
much. We needed everyone."
Ralph turned.
"You could have had
everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt--"
"We needed
sangat marah dan memberi tahu Jack bahwa tadi ada kapal namun diatas gunung
sana tidak ada anak yang menjaga asap tetep menyala. Ralph menyalahkan kelompok
Jack yang lebih mementingkan berburu. Dengan keegoan Jack dan dengan nada marah
dia berkata bahwa ia butuh aging.
inilah yang memunculkan pada tahapan plot climax. Dimana tokoh konflik dengan
keadaan juga konflik dengan antar tokoh lainnya.
7. Climax
puncak dari segala permasalahan dalam cerita.
held the conch against his chest with one hand and stabbed the air with his
"Who thinks Ralph
oughtn't to be chief?"
He looked expectantly at
the boys ranged round, who had frozen. Under the palms
there was deadly silence.
"Hands up,"
said Jack strongly, "whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?"
The silence continued,
breathless and heavy and full of shame. Slowly the red drained from Jack's cheeks,
then came back with a painful rush. He licked his lips and turned
his head at an angle, so that his gaze
avoided the embarrassment of linking with another's eye.
"How many
His voice tailed off. The
hands that held the conch shook. He cleared his throat, and
spoke loudly.
"All right
He laid the conch with
great care in the grass at his feet. The humiliating tears were running from
the corner of each eye.
"I'm not going to
play any longer. Not with you."
Most of the boys were
looking down now, at the grass or their feet. Jack cleared his
throat again.
"I'm not going to be
a part of Ralph's lot--"
He looked along the
right-hand logs, numbering the hunters that had been a choir.
"I'm going off by
myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come
He blundered out of the
triangle toward the drop to the white sand.
Jack turned and looked
back at Ralph. For a moment he paused and then cried out,
high-pitched, enraged.
diantara merupakan puncak dari segala permasalahan. Berawal dari bersama salam
pimpinan Ralph, kemudian terjadi konflik diantara mereka, hingga akhirnya
mereka memisahkan diri menjadi dua bagian seolah terbentuk dua kubu yang saling
bertentangan. Satu kubu mempertahankan visinya untuk mencari cara supaya
terselamatkan, sementara kubu lainnya fokus pada perburuan babi dan
bersenang-bersenang saja.
8. Falling
terjadi permasalahan yang ada puncaknya, kini tokoh berusaha untuk mulai
meredakan permasalahan, jadi disini plotnya menurun.
"We can do without
Jack Merridew. There's others besides him on this island. But now
we really got a beast,
though I can't hardly believe it, we'll need to stay close to the platform;
there'll be less need of him and his hunting. So now we can really decide on
what's what."
"There's no help,
Piggy. Nothing to be done."
dan dan Ralph harus menerima kenyataan bahwa Jack bersama kawanannya sudah
tidak sepahaman lagi dengan Ralph. Dengan ketegangan konflik yang terjadi
sebelumnya. Piggy beranggapan bahwa mereka bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan
meski tanpa ada kehadiran Jack.
9. Epiphany
menuju resolution
He staggered to his feet,
tensed for more terrors, and looked up at a huge peaked cap.
It was a white-topped
cap, and above the green shade of the peak was a crown, an anchor, gold
foliage. He saw white drill, epaulettes, a revolver, a row of gilt buttons down
the front of a uniform.
A naval officer stood on
the sand, looking down at Ralph in wary astonishment. On the
beach behind him was a
cutter, her bows hauled up and held by two ratings. In the sternsheets another
rating held a sub-machine gun. The ululation faltered and died away. The
officer looked at Ralph doubtfully for a moment, then took his hand away from
the butt of the revolver.
yang sudah ditinggalkan Piggy, Sam, dan Eric kini ia sendiri dan saat itu ia
sedang diburu oleh kawanan Jack, Ralph merasa ketakutan. Dia berlalu menjauh
dari kawanan itu hingga ia jatuh ke pasir dan didepannya ada seorang seorang
perwira angkatan laut yang berseragam.
10. Resolution
dari semua masalah dalam cerita
"We saw your smoke.
What have you been doing? Having a war or something?" Ralph nodded.
The officer inspected the
little scarecrow in front of him. The kid needed a bath, a
haircut, a nose-wipe and
a good deal of ointment.
"Nobody killed, I
hope? Any dead bodies?"
"Only two. And
they've gone."
The officer leaned down
and looked closely at Ralph.
"Two? Killed?"
Ralph nodded again. Behind
him, the whole island was shuddering with flame. The
officer knew, as a rule,
when people were telling the truth. He whistled softly.
Other boys were appearing
now, tiny tots some of them, brown, with the distended
bellies of small savages.
One of them came close to the officer and looked up."
itu bisa mengetahui keberadaan mereka akibat adanya asap yang membumbung
tinggi. Sehingga asap itulah yang menjadi pemecahan permasalahan mereka
sehingga akhirnya mereka bisa terselamatkan.
11. Denoument
dari nasib tokoh dalam cerita
"We'll take you off.
How many of you are there?"
Ralph shook his head. The
officer looked past him to the group of painted boys.
"Who's boss
"I am," said
Ralph loudly.
perwira itu membawa semua anak-anak itu dan menyelamatkan mereka.
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